
Meditation and Spirituality

Meditation and Spirituality

Whether you come to it as a devout mystic or a committed atheist with a passive interest in relaxation techniques, meditation is pretty inseparable from spirituality. After all, if you aren’t looking to connect to some aspect of your spirit when you meditate, what are you doing? I see myself as being both religious and […]

Spirituality and Logic

Spirituality and Logic

I’ve set myself a very ambitious goal for this blog, dear reader. I want to look, in simple terms, at spirituality and logic: what they are, how they differ, and what “spiritual logic” is. Why is this goal so ambitious? Because when you attempt to look at two such subjects and connect them in layperson’s […]

Why Do We Hear of People Wanting to Change after a Near-Death Experience?

Why Do We Hear of People Wanting to Change after a Near-Death Experience?

Okay, in this blog, I’d like to take the opportunity to return to some of the things I’ve talked about in previous blogs. If you’ve been following them, you might recognize the title as being similar to an earlier one. The reason I want to return to this is to do a kind of summing up […]

Why You Don’t Need a Near-Death Experience to Change Your Life

Why You Don’t Need a Near-Death Experience to Change Your Life

I should start this blog by saying that, thankfully, I’ve never had a near-death experience. More than once, however, I have come very close to losing everything I had. Those experiences, which I talk about in Meditations with Grandma, had a profound impact on the way I saw myself and were instrumental in me making big […]

Spirituality and Religion

Spirituality and Religion

In recent years, it seems that a split has developed between spirituality and religion. This is particularly true in the west, where we often hear people say, “I’m spiritual, but I’m not religious.” We may even say it of ourselves. But what does it mean? Where does it come from? And ultimately, does it make […]

Meditation and the Power of Prayer

Meditation and the Power of Prayer

In the last blog, we looked briefly at the power of meditation and movement. In this blog, we’re going to look at something similar: meditation and the power of prayer. “Prayer” is a word that comes loaded with so many notions of religion and ritual. Many of us will have formed ideas of prayer or […]

Meditation and the Power of Movement

Meditation and the Power of Movement

Now, you might look at this blog’s title and think that this seems strange. Surely meditation and movement are polar opposites? Well, actually, they’re not. Anything can be meditation, even running around! If you’ve always imagined meditation to involve sitting as still as possible, letting the cloudy waters of your soul settle, then this idea might need […]

What’s Blocking You?

What’s Blocking You?

My dear reader, welcome to the first in a series of short blogs based on my new book, Meditations with Grandma. In the book, I share my life journey, with its many ups and downs, and how I discovered the four keys of acceptance. I also share my meditation regimen and some of the inspiring stories I […]